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Check you wet bay valves for cracking

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:08 pm
by astrnmrtom
I was recently tinkering in the bay where all my water valves are, and noticed many of the caps were cracked. I'm not sure how long they had been this way, and may not have noticed this time if it wasn't for one with a drip.

After much investigating, I learned the valves in my 98' are made by FlAIR-IT, and the top cap part numer is: 06420. ESCO - Elkhart Supply Corporation sells them for $1.19ea as of 2/24.

Here's a link to the page:

Scroll down to Valve Parts - you'll see a picture of a handle, and click the drop down menu and select: "06420 Top nut for Valve bulk $1.19" and order how many you need. Be sure to compare my valve type with what's on your rig. NOTE: The new caps are a little shorter than the originals but function the same. You may need some aid in removing the old caps. I gently used channel locks to loosen them until I could finish unthreading them by hand. Hand tighten the news ones - don't use pliers to tighten and be careful not to cross thead them. Mine all started and threaded on easily.

Out of my 11 valves, I had 7 cracked top nuts. You can see varying sized cracks in the photos. Knobs pull straight off.
