Safari Class-C question

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Safari Class-C question

Post by curry »

I realize that Safari Class C's are rare. Mine is a 1998 Ford E=SuperDuty frame. My vacuum system in the Ford part is going nuts. We have no functioning in cab heating, cooling, or defrosting system. All evidence points to the vacuum system and Ford used this system much later than others.
Does anyone know a person in Oregon who can deal with issues. Ford dealers don't want to talk to me. Even the biggest Ford truck operation.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Safari Class-C question

Post by eneriksen »

I have a 1999 E350 V10 Super Duty Class C. In case it may help you, there is a vacuum canister under the hood behind the battery. the hoses go through the firewall and into the upper dash. One winter I had a little mouse decide to munch on one of the hoses and my ac/heating controls starting acting simular to what you described. Not particularly easy to get to from the passenger leg area but it might be worth taking a look. I wasn't able to replace the entire hose but I was able to seal it back up and the system has worked fine since.
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Re: Safari Class-C question

Post by curry »

I had it fixed by a local Ford mechanic. It was vacuum lines and a major vacuum leak. Got my A/C fixed at the same time. Not cheap, but worth it. No Ford dealers would work on it because it is more than twenty years old. We'll be back on the road this summer.
A problem like yours on my wife's car . Mice ate through the wiring harnesses. Cost about a thousand bucks.
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