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how to set parking on the rv

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:18 am
by glenn robbins
We just purchased a safari serengeti Ivory 1997, I have owned a 5th wheel in the past but not a diesel pusher, I have a stupid question how do you put the motor home in park as there is no P for park on the push button transmission. I put the rv in N Neutral and pulled the parking brake is that how you set the rv in parking?

Re: how to set parking on the rv

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:50 am
by 05wingrider
You are correct in how you set your parking. I don't think any of the larger RV transmissions have a park setting on them - they all rely on the park brake to hold the vehicle in place when stopped because of their respective weights. If you stop and think about it, the park position is a metal pawl that goes into the transmission to hold the vehicle in place - would you want to rely on a small piece of metal to hold a 20K+ vehicle from moving, or an actual brake assembly on the driveline (which is what we have)? Some newer rigs have air brakes (thus the sound at truck stops, etc when they set their brakes), and a lot have a mechanical brake similar to ours, or a combination of both.

Welcome to the group, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Safari's. There are a LOT of folks here that have owned theirs since new and have a wealth of knowledge available!

Re: how to set parking on the rv

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:47 pm
by glenn robbins
Thank you so much I have never driven anything with out a park (P) setting, I am sure I will have a lot of questions.