Seems like this web forum is lightly used now

This forum is a good place to discuss non-Safari stuff like destinations, travel info, etc.
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Re: Seems like this web forum is lightly used now

Post by TDJohn »

So, essentially it is like the movie Ground Hog thanks, not my cup of tea, I don't have time nor energy for senseless repeats. :roll: :mrgreen:
'95 Serengeti, Cummins C8.3-300
Allison 6spd.
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Re: Seems like this web forum is lightly used now

Post by chuckster »

TDJohn wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 10:01 pm
wolfe10 wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:21 am I have never been on Face Book (and don't intend to do so).

But, I have always been curious as to the quality/accuracy of mechanical advice on FB.
Ditto, I'm of the same mindset. To add to what you said, I also wonder if FB actually has file storage capabilities, where they have a section to store files like wire diagrams, etc.
Ditto on the Facebook comments. I look at it about once every 3-6 months to catch up with a few family members who “live” on it. I don’t like their ads, how they track you, their involvement in politics and manipulation of the same.

We do have our “regulars” here and they are friendly and helpful for sure…a wealth of collective knowledge. I guess I was lamenting a little in this thread but love this site.

On another note, my interior revamping is going slower than I had planned but that is because of me and my available time. The sanding of the cabinets, doors, drawer facings and cabinet doors and putting two coats of primer and two coats of paint is so dreadful of a chore. My wife drives me on though with her reminder “Yellowstone trip is right around the corner”. *sigh*
Chuck & Mitzi
'01 Safari Zanzibar 3646 (side entry)
Cat 3126B / Allison MD3060
Magnum M-Series "Blue Max" chassis
2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland toad
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