Slide bottom wiper blade seal replacement suggestions

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Slide bottom wiper blade seal replacement suggestions

Post by ccastle »

Was relaxing in the recliner and noticed light coming in under the kitchen cabinets. Went out and checked - the lower wiper blade seal is almost totally missing on the slide out!

Also it looks like there was some sort of seal on the outer slide itself that meets the body when the slide close but it is totally missing.

Looks like this will be a "fun" job crawling in to drill out the rivets. This must be a common problem- there was another Safari at our campground- I went and looked at his-same problem!

Any suggestions on this job and where to get replacement seals would be greatly appreciated!



Showing th slide out
Showing th slide out
BDACC078-8E89-4304-A97A-C00124319617.jpeg (2.92 MiB) Viewed 25685 times
Seal from the front looking towards back
Seal from the front looking towards back
802BD06D-6C17-4BEF-9893-E37C21EAFC9F.jpeg (3.2 MiB) Viewed 25685 times
Seal from the rear looking towards the front
Seal from the rear looking towards the front
3E1793A2-10A6-4733-94F0-DE399D13B586.jpeg (2.86 MiB) Viewed 25685 times
Chuck, KD7UA
1998 Safari Sahara 3506 (since 9/2020)
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Re: Slide bottom wiper blade seal replacement suggestions

Post by dankrupicka »

I got my 4 inch seal in Coburg Oregon at Monaco. It was fairly easy to replace. Remove aluminium strip and hole punch holes in rubber strip before riveting back on. Do your yoga first before hand.
Good luck
Dan Krupicka
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Re: Slide bottom wiper blade seal replacement suggestions

Post by ccastle »

IMG_0811.jpg (446.24 KiB) Viewed 25629 times
I started this project yesterday. I ordered new rubber from the online store called Rubber Sheet Warehouse which is located in Huntington Beach, CA. ( ) I talked to the guy and ordered Silicone rubber since he said it would last longer. Photo of the role is included above. I had to order two 10' x 4" strips that are 1/8 inch thick. This is a little bit thicker that the original, but should be OK. I tried to order from Monaco but was unavailable and the guy said he would try to find from another supplier, but I figured I could do that myself.

So far, I have drilled out all the rivets and removed the aluminum strip and remnants of the old rubber. While a pain, it was not near as bad as I anticipated. I worked in from each end of the slide, then had to crawl under and behind the storage bins of the slide and reach up from behind and ove the top of the storage boxes. Was able to get both hands up there, feel the center of the rivet and drill in out blindly from behind it. (Real fun!!! :lol: ) Next step is to punch the holes in the strip and install on the rig.
Chuck, KD7UA
1998 Safari Sahara 3506 (since 9/2020)
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Re: Slide bottom wiper blade seal replacement suggestions

Post by CactusTwo »

Are you going to stainless steel screw it back on or pop rivet it on?
Len and Brenda Nugent
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Re: Slide bottom wiper blade seal replacement suggestions

Post by chuckster »

ccastle wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:48 am IMG_0811.jpg

I started this project yesterday. I ordered new rubber from the online store called Rubber Sheet Warehouse which is located in Huntington Beach, CA. ( ) I talked to the guy and ordered Silicone rubber since he said it would last longer. Photo of the role is included above. I had to order two 10' x 4" strips that are 1/8 inch thick. This is a little bit thicker that the original, but should be OK. I tried to order from Monaco but was unavailable and the guy said he would try to find from another supplier, but I figured I could do that myself.

So far, I have drilled out all the rivets and removed the aluminum strip and remnants of the old rubber. While a pain, it was not near as bad as I anticipated. I worked in from each end of the slide, then had to crawl under and behind the storage bins of the slide and reach up from behind and ove the top of the storage boxes. Was able to get both hands up there, feel the center of the rivet and drill in out blindly from behind it. (Real fun!!! :lol: ) Next step is to punch the holes in the strip and install on the rig.! My favorite color!

Thanks for sharing and good luck with the project. Do share with pics when done.
Chuck & Mitzi
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Re: Slide bottom wiper blade seal replacement suggestions

Post by ccastle »

CactusTwo wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:26 am Are you going to stainless steel screw it back on or pop rivet it on?
I replaced the pop rivets with pop rivets. First, there is the 3/16 hole in the body the rivets go into that would be difficult to screw into. Second, It is easier to reinstall pop rivets. Third, The old rivets lasted 20+ years and were still in great shape so rivets it is!
Chuck, KD7UA
1998 Safari Sahara 3506 (since 9/2020)
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Re: Slide bottom wiper blade seal replacement suggestions

Post by ccastle »

Yes, Orange it is. They asked about the color when I ordered it and I said, it's up underneath so no big deal!

YEA! The job is done!!! Difficult and patience demanding job!! I finished, closed the slide and thought, Oh, I didn't take a photo. Too tired! Will take a photo and post tomorrow! Time for rest now! :D
Chuck, KD7UA
1998 Safari Sahara 3506 (since 9/2020)
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Re: Slide bottom wiper blade seal replacement suggestions


I wrote a lengthy Article about this procedure posted/published in Safari Times a couple years back. The most effective way of drilling was to use a mirror and work from that. Next a long table made from a 2 X10 or 12 the length of the slide and the seal assembly. I used the long retainer rail and positioned it with the new seal on the board with clamps so it could not move. Then drilled all the rivet holes slightly smaller so when installed the could not fall out when the assembly was snaked back in under the slide. The first rivets on each end and the center were intentionally left out so I could use an awl to gain position as to where it was going to begin and end and a center support prior to setting the rivets. This is where I thought about using the hand riveter and thought not! An air powered one was far better and paid for itself times over. It took two pulls of the trigger, not several and pulled the steel shanked 3/16 inch rivets as tight as they were originally. I also added a strip of foil face bubble insulation to the sandwich to help the seal and insulation. I did not replace the seal on the slide as my arms were and still are not long enough. I will,add too that a bit of spray glue was used to keep the pieces from going different directions during their assembly. Hopefully this gives some ideas...
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