Default language selection

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Site Admin
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Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:24 pm

Default language selection

Post by safari-admin »

As part of the maintenance window on 10/29/2019, a new language pack was added to phpBB: American English. It is now the default language pack, replacing the initial default, which was British English. However, for those who registered between the time the forum came online and the time the first maintenance update was installed (about six days), the default language remains British English, unless and until it is changed in the Board Preferences tab of the User Control Panel. Click your username in the top right corner to access the User Control Panel.

language_setting.png (126 KiB) Viewed 11001 times

Changing the language is optional. Most user will not notice a difference either way. All new accounts registered after the maintenance activity default to American English, so this note does not apply to them.
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