Ask Me How I Know

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Ask Me How I Know

Post by Bilmac36 »

Brian, RG, Mr. Bill, Brett, John, Gary, etc,
I was just responding to Charles Smith over on FB and had an Epiphany. What about a category titled “Ask Me How I Know?”
Considering one of the main themes here is to share knowledge and help others. Then for those of use who don’t mind acknowledging we’ve made a mistake or two can post notes where we may have boogered up something and hopefully worked our way out of it successfully enough to be able to explain the ‘what not to do’s.’ We might be admitting to a bit of personal embarrassment, but for most of us we’ve been there, done that.
I could expound and note most safety rules were written after learning from other’s mistakes. But let’s not chase that rabbit too far and get back to topic. The one issue I can see with this topic category is either the overlapping into another category, ... or perhaps within the Forum structure there is a way to cross link categories (without a extensive human manhours of oversite.)
My thinking is this category could be a quick overview before plunging into some needed task, corrective or preventive maintenance, and or upgrade, etc.
So just throwing out some food for thought. Appreciate everyone’s efforts.
'95 Safari Continental, Cummins 8.3L, Allison MD3060
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Re: Ask Me How I Know

Post by wolfe10 »


A good thought.

But, if one is researching the "how to do" of a particular job, they are more likely to benefit from not only a "how to" but a "how not to"/ "what I would do differently next time" within a thread on that particular job.

May not be as entertaining as a separate category, but likely more helpful.
Brett and Dianne Wolfe
Ex: 2003 Alpine 38'. Ex 1997 Safari Sahara. Ex 1993 Foretravel U240
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Re: Ask Me How I Know


Brett, I could not agree more and something rarely done. It could be highly amusing if one allows the curtain to open. With this in mind, when questions are asked by those being solicited to help solve problems, please answer them. They may seem misplaced but most of the time it may speed up finding or identifying the solution. The more detail that is expressed like the year of the coach in particular, and power plant, will help getting those that have that vintage also to be more accurate and and those of us that have later units whether or not to respond.

Hope you all have a great day
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