Looking for Volunteer Moderators/Admins

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Looking for Volunteer Moderators/Admins

Post by safari-admin »


With the migration from Yahoo Groups now complete, and this new site fully up and running, members who have interest in serving as moderators and/or site admins can now take on the duties. At the previous Yahoo Group, RG was the admin/moderator, and he had originally agreed to continue in that role here. Unfortunately, it looks like he has been absent from this forum for a while (I hope nothing bad has happened), leading to the need for others to step in and assist.

Moderator responsibilities include managing content posted by members.

Admins are responsible for forum management, as well as approving new members. Admins can also make changes to various structures within phpBB.

Soon, it will be time for me to step back from working on this forum. The holiday season was a good time to take on setting up the new forum, but with the new year I'm back to my regular schedule, including day job and other responsibilities.

Drop a reply into this discussion if you are interested in volunteering.

Many thanks,

Brian Pete (Safari-Admin)
Posts: 107
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Location: Spokane, Washington

Re: Looking for Volunteer Moderators/Admins

Post by 05wingrider »

I'm still willing to help out with the site - and thank you ever so much for all you've done for it and us!!
96 Sahara 30', 250hp Cat 3126
Allison 6spd MD-3060
2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk "Toad"
Spokane WA
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Re: Looking for Volunteer Moderators/Admins

Post by safari-admin »

Please welcome Billy (bdub) and --[edited]-- Duane (05wingrider) as new forum admins and moderators. With RG, there are now three -- for those who might remember the Highlander TV series, an alternate take on the tagline: "There can be only three."

Seriously though, and all corny paraphrases aside: these guys are sharp, and they're in charge of making sure this forum fits everyone's needs. Please reach out to them with comments and suggestions... I'm going to go out on a limb and add that constructive criticism is also welcome.

I'm still available for questions about phpBB forum functionality, and if there is something new you'd like to see, please feel free to drop a line to any of the admins, myself included. Decisions about forum feature upgrades will be an admin team effort. For my part, the main responsibilities will include making sure the forum remains online, updated and available, with periodic backups in case of disaster.

Thanks for your patience, past and present; I think we're in a pretty good place now.

Brian Pete (Safari-Admin)
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Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:24 pm

Re: Looking for Volunteer Moderators/Admins

Post by safari-admin »

And this is why I should not play with sharp objects either:

I have mistakenly identified 05wingrider as John, when in fact it should be Duane.

My apologies to Duane!
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Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:24 pm

Re: Looking for Volunteer Moderators/Admins

Post by safari-admin »

My original posting has been edited and John is now Duane -- the world is right again.

:D :D

Welcome to Duane and Billy, the admin/moderator team is now in place and this topic is closed. Thanks for checking in.
