Safarifriends will be going dark

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Site Admin
Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:24 pm

Safarifriends will be going dark

Post by safari-admin »

Greetings fellow travelers,

I regret to announce that due to accelerating health issues, I will no longer be able to host because the underlying infrastructure is part of a planned shutdown that will take place sometime after the first of the year. Fancy words for saying I'm canceling my colo account.

What was supposed to be a temporary place for Safarifriends until it found a permanent home has turned into five years-ish, and many new travelers have signed up during that time. It would be a shame for new and veteran visitors alike if this message board were to go away, and in that spirit I hereby make it available at no cost if someone in this community wants to take it over and operate it. Now what I mean by no cost is I wouldn't charge to hand it over, but if you want to host it on a Virtual Private Server (VPS), as I do, or something like AWS or MSN, there is a cost to do that, and you would be on your own to set that up. The current domain name registration is with Network Solutions and is good for another couple of years.The software is a Virtualmin and a standard phpBB platform, I never did anything special to it. Sadly, I have extremely limited bandwidth to assist with any migration, but anyone familiar with Virtualmin and phpBB should be able to get it imported onto either platform in short order.

If any of this sounds like project to take on, reach out to me at, sooner is better than later. Otherwise, the site will go dark sometime after Jan 1.

Sorry for the short notice.

Best Regards and Merry Christmas,

Brian Pete (Safari-admin)
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