How's the Front body connected to the frame

Pretty much everything on the bottom side of the coach: Steering, wheels, tires, brakes, suspension
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How's the Front body connected to the frame

Post by Muchtoofun »

My 1999 Safari Trek has a sagging front right body. When looking up above and forward of the Right front tire, there is about 1.5 inch gap. What I do know, is the body (Exterior wall and aluminum skin) is supported from below by the Chassis frame and triangular outriggers everywhere aft of the engine compartment and the raised floor in the front. But what holds the body onto the chassis from there forward?
Image 1-19-25 at 2.50 PM.jpeg
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In the pictures... the cad drawing kinda shows how the floor ceases to be supported forward of the propane compartment. The Blue arrow in this next picture shows a piece of aluminum angle that appears to be the only thing holding the body to the chassis frame. It had three broken 3/16" (!) self tapping lag screws and one last one holding it on. In the same pic, the red arrows show the gap where the body has sagged down. It's being supported by a 2x6 in the pic (after I jacked it up as far as it goes).
I found two 3/8 bolts (pictured) resting on the chassis frame in the area that the front bumper is attached. No sign of any empty threaded holes and no matching bolt heads on the left side of the vehicle.
Screenshot 2025-01-19 at 3.07.20 PM.jpeg
Don't know their story but from the rust on the threads, they seem to have not been where they belong in a very long time, even to factory days. Maybe someone miss placed them and just grabbed two more... Don't know but on the other hand they may have something to do with the sag... or not.

Any insight will be greatly appreciated!

I've jacked up the body to match where it ought to be and reinstalled the angle aluminum with larger lags and now have 5 up and 4 sideways. I'm beginning to think this may have actually been all that held up the front body at the corner and am thinking this only because I have not found anything else that may serve the purpose besides the two front bumper mounts which are not suited to hold up the entire front body. If this is true, it's a wonder every trek front end hasn't broken loose in the same locations. I'll be adding a great deal more support before it goes on the road.
99' Safari Trek Ganesha 30'
Lake Montezuma, AZ
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