Fuel solenoid and plug revisited

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Fuel solenoid and plug revisited

Post by Bilmac36 »

‘95 Continental, 8.3L Cummins. Fuel shut off solenoid and wiring questions. I’ve owned rig since early 2000.

Ok, you may recall I replaced my fuel solenoid the week around Memorial Day weekend. Yea, I know that was several months ago. But it has now moved to top of my projects list.

Old one was indiscriminately shutting fuel off while driving. Replaced it and had to do some splicing with wiring harness. So this new solenoid replaced one I replaced way back when, ~13 Yrs ago. Turned out it was a temporary fix, as the plunger was binding and now the solenoid would not push down turning off the fuel when ignition is turned off.
Ok, on to today’s questions. In the pix of the three units the ctr is defective one I took out. Unit on left with large plug is one I initially used. Unit on right is one I may modify to use as the plug mates to existing plug (round terminals.)

Here’s 1st ?, in engine bay pix you notice the three leads with female terminals, these were spliced in originally to the solenoid’s wiring harness and harness plug mated to the existing plug shown. But I now have a solenoid that has the proper plug on it so I’m scratching my head wondering how this thing was orinally wired? And why are they spliced into the wiring harness? If I continue and move forward with the solenoid on the right, then I have to drill new mounting holes as it’s mounting baseplate is larger than the other unit’s. So there is one task I have to do as well as splice back in the three wires (assumingly.) I like this 3rd solenoid as it is Beefer, has a swivel eyelet, and the correct plug.

BUT, I’m also considering removing the swivel eyelet piece and mounting to the one on the solenoid on the left as it has the correct mounting holes, & existing terminals to plug/splice in the wires (ones shown in engine bay pix.)

Thoughts, ideas on these two solenoids? I did a lot of searching to find these various ones and hoping I can get things back to functioning correctly within next day or two.
I’m going to go cut couple acres grass and give time for some of y’all’s wisdom to flow my way.

John, you stated in my June’s post the OEM plug is a Dodge round terminal style which is what I am connecting to, hence desire to use the solenoid on the right in pix. But trying to clarify why there are two wiring harnesses connecting into the solenoids plug?
Thanks Gents (& Gals!) for your feedback.
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'95 Safari Continental, Cummins 8.3L, Allison MD3060
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